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To the Head of the “Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Human Development Medicine” Discipline, Conf. Hinescu Mihail-Eugen, This is Loredana Cirstea, 6th year student at U.M.F. “Carol Davila”, General Medicine and I am writing in regard to my graduation thesis: “Algorithm of translation in the Romanian language for the Terminologia Histologica and APIs for a controlled vocabulary”. After graduation I plan on working in the medical and computer programming field and I am now part of the Sapiens Mapping Project ( ).
Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipad 7
While working inside the project, I noticed the inexistence of an official translation in the Romanian language for the Terminologia Histologica. Sprumont, FIPAT Secretary, has offered to the project the official data in the Latin and English languages, mentioning that any translation should respect as much as possible the Latin terms. I will build a database of the Latin words used in the Terminologia Histologica, with the corresponding translations in Romanian and a system for semi-automatic translation of any new-proposed term. I will propose a translation, closer to the Latin language, comparing with the unofficial translation, from the international point of view, yet used for the moment in Romania.
Due to the fact that the only online accessible resource or the Romanian histological terms is Google Translate, I will include in the comparison the translation obtained in this way. The proposed translation, along with the one used at the present moment will be published online and open to peer review. More details about the steps I will take in my thesis: One of the main ideas, which will be presented in the thesis, is the creation of a controlled scientific vocabulary.
Only in this way one can create an algorithm of revision for the scientific papers, in case of changing the terminology. A simple demo of the idea:, created by Christian Tzurcanu, Project Leader for the SMP. In this demo, you have a short example of a text, with terms from a controlled vocabulary, that can be checked and updated, with reference to the official source. I have contacted Asst.Prof.Nicolescu and Prof.Eugen Radu, which have offered their expertise in correcting the translation used at the moment, that I have compiled.
You can find it here: (in the roproposedinuse column) I have proposed to both of them, since October, to coordinate my graduation thesis, but it seems that Asst.Prof. Nicolescu cannot coordinate the paper in the Cellular and Molecular Medicine Department, due to the fact that he no longer is part of it. I have not received a definite response from Prof. I address myself to you, in your quality of Head of the “Cellular and Molecular Medicine. Human Development Medicine” Discipline. The university’s site does not contain the contact information (emails) of the other members of the Discipline ( ), in order for me to send the proposal of coordinating my thesis.
Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Ipad 2
In this case, please guide me to the contact information and please tell me if I can do my graduation thesis within your Discipline, without a coordinator. Because this project is part of the Sapiens Mapping Project, all collaboration will respect the general principles of the SMP ( ). In short, the transparency rules impose written conversations, preferably on email, in the English language. This is why I will translate this conversation in English and I will add the Project Leader of the SMP to the receiver’s list.
You will receive the English translation within two days. With respect, Loredana Cirstea, 6th year student, General Medicine, U.M.F. “Carol Davila”, Project Manager for the Sapiens Mapping Project.
Aceste studii trebuie astfel realizate incat sa poata fi REPRODUSE, de orice alt laborator, care ar dori sa verifice datele. In domeniul pe care il explorati dvs, pentru care am tot respectul, aceasta conditie esentiala nu poate fi indeplinita.
Sau, daca poate fi indeplinita, nu avem noi expertiza necesara, specifica cercetarii lingvistice (inclusiv cunostinte solide de limba latina, etc). De aceea, permiteti-mi sa imi pastrez libertatea de a-mi declina competenta pentru domeniul dvs de interes. (Daca stiu sa vorbesc o limba straina, asta nu ma califica drept lingvist; prin analogie, daca noi lucram cu terminologia histologica, asta nu ne califica sa oferim solutii (care sa presupuna o metoda stiitifica si judecati de valoare) pentru traducerea si procesarea acestei terminologii). Tonul mesajelor dvs nu este cel adecvat. Daca ati acceptat sa va inscrieti la o facultate, trebuie sa acceptati si ca acolo exista si este necesar, dincolo de Internet si de resursele online, un proces de formare, care inseamna valorificarea unor experiente intr-un domeniu stiintific sau altul, prin transmiterea unor cunostinte, proceduri, modalitati de lucru, dinspre cadrele didactice catre studenti. Asta nu exclude dialogul, insa procesul este, in general, asimetric. Acest proces implica inclusiv faptul ca cineva cu experienta trebuie creditat ca poate stabili obiectiv ce este de resortul cercetarii in disciplina sa si ce nu.
Orice idee poate veni din partea studentului, insa faptul ca el o enunta nu inseamna ca ii confera acestuia din urma vreun ascendent, si ca ea, ideea, trebuie acceptata ca atare. Relatia cadru didactic - student se bazeaza pe respect reciproc si incredere. Cine nu doreste sa imi acorde onoarea de purta un dialog cu mine, inseamna ca nu imi acorda respect. Si cine nu imi acorda respectul elementar de a citi ceea ce i se scrie, in termeni foarte clari, cine nu doreste sa invete de la mine nimic, ma elibereaza de orice obligatie, in plan educational.
Ma somati, (din nou cu lipsa de eleganta) de mai multe ori, sa va pun la dispozitie datele de contact ale colegilor mei. Cred ca faceti o confuzie, disciplina are o secretara, care va poate oferi aceste date, nu este obligatia mea.